It Was Too Late…

Casper FrederickCasper Fredrick closed his eyes as he concentrated on his latest project – that of making a rug from scraps of fabric. Although he could not see the colours, his rugged hands, hardened by years of toil, undertook the delicate task of rug making. He took a break from his desk, reached for his cane and carefully made his way to the other end of the room where he told us his story.

Casper was born in the twin island state of Antigua and Barbuda fifty-nine (59) years ago, his lifestyle today is a far cry away from what it used to be in his early years.

In days gone by he was often referred to as a “jack of all trades”, having worked with the Public Works Department in the capital of St John’s, as a sailor, agardener and a carpenter. According to Casper he was capable of doing almost anything. But included in his active lifestyle were his demons of addiction – drinking and smoking.

“I used to love the rum and the cigarettes, nothing could stop me. As I worked, I smoked. When work was over, I would drink and I thought nothing of it, nothing at all. I was living the life”. Although Casper battled Diabetes and Hypertension, he was not fazed.
“I could do anything and not get sick, so the sugar and blood pressure did not really bother me”.

Because he thought he had excellent vision he never had his eyes checked. Well, that was the case until one day he discovered that he had difficulty seeing.“ I could see, I could always see well. But one day I found that I could not see much. Remember I used to drink the rum and smoke the cigarettes and I believethat led to my loss of sight. When I went to the Doctor for the check up he told me it was too late, it was too far gone. The smoking and rum drinking was not good for the sugar and the pressure and I also had Glaucoma”

While unable to say what exactly led to his blindness, he believes that his habits contributed to his vision loss. He explained that although his Doctor warned him ofthe possibility of blindness, the warning was not heeded.

“I could still see but not as much and I continued drinking rum and smoking.That’s what happens when you don’t take care of yourself. Eventually when the sight went I had no one to blame but myself, instead of taking care of myself I really preferred the run and my cigarettes. I am the only one to blame”“Let me tell you how bad it was, I would drink and smoke before taking my tea in the mornings” he lamented.

Casper can’t recall when he lost his sight entirely, but was he does know is that the day it happened, the smoking and drinking stopped immediately. He nolonger had the desire for his vices.

“After I (went) blind I did away with the rum and cigarettes and tried to find my God, now I pray every night”

Today his daily routine has changed, no longer does he reach for a pack of cigarettes or a quart of white rum, every weekday he makes his way to the Antigua Society of and for the Blind, where he works on various projects and at the end of the day heads home.

“I like it here, it give me something to do, so I keep occupied.” In spite of everything he is by no means a bitter man and takes everything in stride. 

“I’m not taking it on, you see some people who have eye problems they take it on , they don’t eat, they grieve and day” And what of his message to others? It is quite simple. “Take care of yourself, take care of your eyes, get your check-ups and don’t smoke or drink, it is bad for your health. It is also a sin in the sight of God.”

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