Our Strategic Priorities and Programmes 2023 to 2030

Theme: Vision for everyone…inclusive services for people living with severe vision loss and other disability.

During more than27 international (online) meetings; these priorities were advanced by people with: vision loss; The Caribbean Blindness Services Forum; members of the Interim Academic Committee; CCB’s eye care partners and member organizations of the Council; and approved by the Executive Committee and general membership in 2023.

The priorities assume continuation of all existing programs, unless discontinued by the CEO.

They will inform: Events, projects or programs of CCB, its members and partners.
These priorities are the main agenda for the CEO’s meetings and conversations with members and partners.

From time to time, the Executive Committee, may revise this scheme of works.

The above (in part or in full) represents CCB-Eye Care Caribbean’s strategic and program priorities for 2023 and beyond.
Compiled by Arvel Grant, BSc. SW (Hons) DPA, MPH, CEO.
Public Health and International Development Specialist